Wood from Shimane Prefecture in Japan

The wood is made of natural cedar wood from Shimane Prefecture in Japan and is cored to prevent splitting. Wood is susceptible to damage from insects and rotting fungi. ACQ is an environmentally friendly preservative made of copper and tetraammonium salt, and contains no arsenic or chromium compounds, making it a safe preservative and insecticide.
In addition, wood protective impregnating paint is applied to protect the surface of the wood posts and give them a textured color. Wood protective impregnating paint protects wood by effectively reflecting and absorbing ultraviolet rays. It also repels water and prevents it from seeping into the wood. Although these paints are highly protective, they do not create a coating film, so the wood’s excellent moisture control properties are not compromised and breathability is maintained. Thus, this paint has excellent weather resistance, water repellency, antisepsis, and mildew resistance, and allows the fragrance of the wood to be preserved.